
Fiduciary Duty

What are my Fiduciary Responsibilities as a Self-Funded Employer?

Many midsize employers believe that self insurance is full of rules and redtape that fully insured plans don’t have. However, that’snot necessarily the case. Compliance is integral to self insurance and there are several items that you are responsible for as a self-funded employer, including:• ERISA fiduciary responsibilities,• Non-discrimination rules,• Reporting and disclosure,• Requirements notices,•

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What is Stop Loss Coverage?

The Ins and Outs of Stop Loss and Reinsurance

The number one concern I hear from employers when we talk about migrating to a self-insured or partially self-insured environment, is that they don’t want to be responsible for all the claims. What is stop-loss coverage? Stop-loss or reinsurance is how you protect yourself from large claims if you are self-insured. You should always have reinsurance. What

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Reasonable Healthcare Cost

How Can I Offer Care Management and Patient Advocacy to my Employees at a Reasonable Cost?

If you’rereading this article, you’re likely considering offering care management and patient advocacy to your employees. Congratulations! You want to help your employees, but at the same time, it needs to be budget-friendly. The process to add patient advocacy and care management is relatively simple. However, like most things in the health insurance industry, it’s not

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Bundled Pricing for Employers

How to Make Bundled Pricing Work for You and Your Employees

It’s no secret that employers want to control their costs, and at the same time help their employees to have access to the highest quality care at the lowest possible price. Bundled pricing is a one-off arrangement that employers have with a specific facility (i.e. hospital, outpatient facility, imaging center, etc.) where the price is negotiated

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Lower Your Health Cost

Lower Your Health Care Costs by Offering High Quality Service

The buzz around health insurance right now is all about user experience and access to care. The problem is two-fold: insurance literacy and health literacy. Would it surprise you to learnthat 90% of employees do not know the difference between a copay,coinsurance,and a deductible?While that may seempretty basic to people like me in the insurance industry,this lack

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